YAHOO! SPORTS: Juan Soto: ‘It’s an honor’ to be chosen as Topps Series 2 cover player

Juan Soto is in love with the New York Yankees. He has been with them only since Dec. 6, when he was traded by the San Diego Padres, but the fit has been incredible — like a hand in a perfectly tailored glove.

Soto's resurgence with the Yankees, after a tough season-plus in San Diego, has not gone unnoticed. Topps chose him to be the cover player for their 2024 Series 2 baseball cards, meaning he's not just on the box — he's on the wrapper of each individual card pack in the box, too.

“It was incredible, you know," Soto told Yahoo Sports about his selection as cover player. "It’s an honor, and the picture they have on it is a real exciting moment, I think just after a big hit with all the lights in the stadium on me."


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